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Measuring the Network Power of States: The United States versus China 상세보기 화면
제목 Measuring the Network Power of States: The United States versus China
저자 Yeongkyun Jang and Jae-Suk Yang
Year 2023
Date December
영문 키워드 network power, state power, centrality, network analysis, United States, China
DOI https://doi.org/10.22883/kjda.2023.35.4.005
공유하기 링크복사

This study presents measures to evaluate the power of states from a network perspective. Several indicators have been used for such analysis, including GDP, GNP, and the CINC. However, these indicators have limitations in that they do not take into account relational factors. Therefore, we provide three measures developed from a network perspective at the macro, meso, and micro levels to overcome these limitations. Furthermore, we explore the applicability of network theory-based measurement by analyzing changes in network power in the United States and China and present the following results. First, considering the economic domain, we conclude that China has surpassed the United States at the micro level, and the results of the centrality analysis indicate that the United States and China are very close at the other two levels. Second, in the military trade and cultural trade sectors, the United States has consistently been the most powerful state at all levels.

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