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국방정책 해외소개서비스 - 영문

국방정책 해외소개서비스 - 영문 대표 이미지

ROK Angle은 국내최초의 해외홍보용 한국국방정책 뉴스레터입니다. 미국과 일본의 의원 및 한반도 전문가를 대상으로 믿을 수 있고 깊이 있는 국방정책 설명 자료를 제공함으로써 한국국방정책에 대한 미일 지도자의 신뢰와 이해를 제고하고, 한미/한일/한중 관계 발전에 기여하고자 합니다.

국방정책 해외소개서비스 - 영문 목록 화면
호수 제목 저자 발행일자 조회수
Issue 274 Accomplishments of the ROK-U.S. NCG and Implications of the ‘Guidelines for Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Operations on the Korean Peninsula’ Lee Sangk 2024.08.08 99
Issue 273 Complete Suspension of the 9.19 Comprehensive Military Agreement and Stability of the Armistice Regime on the Korean Peninsula . Lee Ho Ryung 2024.07.10 78
Issue 272 Achievements and Significance of the 24th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue Cho Chang-rae 2024.05.08 357
Issue 271 The 2024 Defense Budget and Investment Priorities for the Creation of an ‘Elite and Advanced Strong Military’ Lee Young-bin 2024.03.21 206
Issue 270 Analysis of North Korea’s Plenary Meeting and North Korea’s Anticipated Behavior in 2024 Son Hyo-jong 2024.01.22 309
Issue 269 North Korea’s Termination of the 9.19 Inter-Korean Military Agreement and the ROK’s Response Yong-Han PARK 2023.12.26 1156
issue 268 The Result and the Significance of the 55th Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) Heo Tae Keun 2023.12.14 440
issue 267 The Revision of the Tailored Deterrence Strategy (TDS) and Implications for Extended Deterrence Heo Tae Keun 2023.12.13 394
Issue 266 The Result and the Significance of the 23rd Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD) Heo Tae Keun 2023.10.06 737
Issue 265 The Accomplishments of the 2023 Ulchi Freedom Shield ROK-US Combined Exercise and Future Tasks Lee Jang Wook 2023.09.27 765
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