메인 컨텐츠 화면 슬라이드 이미지 화면 The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Since its launch in 1989,The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis (ISSN:1016-3271) has become a dynamic forum for exchanging ideas in foreign policy, defense, and international affairs of the Asia-Pacific region. Latest Issue Archive Subscription Submission Volume 36-4 Number 4 2024 -Trans-regional Minilateralism: Connecting the Middle East and Indo-Pacific in the Struggle to Reshape the Political Order -Advancing into Politics: A Study on Military Professionalism, Civilian Control, and Military Reforms -Analysis of China’s Influence on North Korea: Perspectives, Misconceptions, and Analysis Based on the Concept of Influence -Much Ado About Nothing? An Analysis of the CCP’s Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee -Economic Implications for North Korea of Strengthened Relations with Russia Amid the Russia-Ukraine War -The Five Power Defense Arrangement: Persistence from the Cold War to the Present ROK Defense Policy Newsletter KIDA issues the ROK Defense Policy Newsletter for Korea experts, as well as policy customers overseas, including members and staff of the U.S. Congress Outcomes and Significance of the 56th ROK-U.S. SCM 2024.11.20 Accomplishments of the 2024 ROK-U.S. Ulchi Freedom Shield and Future Tasks 2024.09.20 Accomplishments of the ROK-U.S. NCG and Implications of the ‘Guidelines for Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Operations on the Korean Peninsula’ 2024.08.08 Complete Suspension of the 9.19 Comprehensive Military Agreement and Stability of the Armistice Regime on the Korean Peninsula 2024.07.10 Achievements and Significance of the 24th Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue 2024.05.08 Research Center Center forSecurity and Strategy Center for Military Analysis and Planning Center for Human Resource Management Center for Defense Resource Management Center for Defense Acquisition and Requirements Analysis Defense Information System Management Group Center forDefense Data Research Group KIDA Brief KIDA Brief is a new publication of KIDA launched in 2019. KIDA conducts more than 200 research projects every year and KIDA Brief provides publicly available summaries of selected research projects with a focus on key findings and policy recommendations. ISSN 2173-9654 (Online) A Study on the Specialization of the Air Force Maintenance Depots 2023 A Strategy to Advance Defense Cyber Workforce 2023 How to Strengthen South Korea's Three-Axis System 2023 Standardizing Cost Estimation for Performance-Based Logistics (PBL) Projects 2023 Improving the ROK Armed Forces' Joint Command and Control System for the Integrated All-Domain Operations 2023