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개인정보보호 관련 공고




Welcome to the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses!

We are a government-funded research institute that addresses a wide range of defense issues concerning the Korean Peninsula. KIDA has actively assisted defense policy makers since its establishment in 1979.
KIDA undertakes over 150 research projects annually, covering virtually all areas of defense policy, including security environments, force development, weapon systems and acquisition, personnel and resource management, defense informatization, and defense reform.
KIDA actively collaborates on research with various countries in all regions, contributing to the nation’s military diplomacy efforts and development in the defense research field.
Recent security environment surrounding the Korean Peninsula is rapidly changing along with drastic reorganization of international security order. KIDA, with pride and sense of duty as a reputed institution for defense policy front runner, is fully aware of the situation and will strive to provide insightful researches that are helpful to policy makers.
We look forward to your continued interest and support.
President of KIDA   15sign_eng.png